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Book Review Management Software

More honest reviews for your book. Less stress for you.

We’ll take over ebook delivery, reviewer follow ups, and new review alerts while providing highly detailed reporting for your peace of mind.

$50 off per title for the first 500 authors & publishers. Offers a Better Way. 😎

Bring unlimited contacts to*
Send unlimited review requests.*
Live reporting on request acceptances.
Automatic ePUB file delivery to reviewers’ Kindle App.
Automatic check-ins and follow ups with each reviewer.
Intuitive reporting dashboard.
Automatic new review alerts.
Automatic requests for reviewers to post 5 star reviews to social media.
Unlimited private feedback from reviewers. (Especially helpful pre-publication.)
An affordable one-time payment, NOT another pricey subscription.

* The use of for spamming purposes is strictly prohibited, and we have daily rate limits in place to protect against such behavior. You may not upload contacts or send review requests to people with whom you don’t have a prior relationship. Violation of this policy will result in your access to the platform being revoked.